CBO Master Contracts Archives

FY 22/23   

Standard Documents for FY 22-23

Exhibit A Attachments
  • Exhibit A: Table of Contents (Template)
  • Exhibit A-1: Standard Requirements for Mental Health (MH) Contracts
  • Exhibit A-1: Standard Requirements for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Contracts
  • Exhibit A-2: CBO Lobbying Restrictions & Disclosure Certification (Master Contracts Only - See Exhibit G for Services-As-Needed Contracts)
    • Attachment 1: Certification Regarding Lobbying – Certification form
    • Attachment 2: Certification Regarding Lobbying – Disclosure form
  • Exhibit A-3: SUD Qualified Service Organization Agreement (Master Contracts Only - See Exhibit H for Services-As-Needed Contracts)
  • Exhibit A – Program Requirements (Exhibit A-P) for Mental Health Contracts
  • Exhibit A – Program Requirements (Exhibit A-P) for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Contracts
  • Exhibit B: Payment Terms and Conditions

  • FY 20/21


    Contracts Unit FY 21-22 Spring Provider Presentation
    The ACBH Contracts Unit held its Annual Spring Provider Meeting virtually this year. Recordings of both the Mental Health (MH) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) presentations which includes important ACBH updates, contract renewal document changes and compliance reminders are available for your viewing.

    The MH recorded presentation is now available here: FY 21-22 Spring Provider Presentation – MH

    The SUD recorded presentation is now available here: FY 21-22 Spring Provider Presentation – SUD

    Additionally, the PDF presentations, the questions and answers submitted during both presentations, Quality Assurance (QA) handouts, and the Privacy/Security handout are available to download.

    FY 19/20
    • Provider Resources
    • Forms & Documents by Category
      • Exhibit A-1: Mental Health Additional Terms and Conditions FY 19-20
      • Exhibit A-1: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Additional Terms and Conditions FY 19-20
      • Exhibit A-3: Mental Health QA Addendum for Medi-Cal Treatment Programs (Master Contracts Only – See Exhibit H for Services-As-Needed Contracts) FY 19-20
      • MH Exhibit B: Terms and Conditions of Payment FY 19-20
      • SUD Exhibit B: Terms and Conditions of Payment, Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP) FY 19-20
      • SUD Exhibit B: Terms and Conditions of Payment, Other SUD FY 19-20
    • Announcements
      • Contracts Unit FY 20-21 Spring Provider Presentation

        Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Health Officer’s and California Governor’s “Shelter in Place” order and social distancing, the ACBH Contracts Unit had to postpone its Annual Spring Provider Meeting. In lieu of the meeting, the Contracts Unit along with other internal partner units, prepared and recorded the FY 20-21 Spring Provider Presentation which includes important ACBH updates, contract renewal document changes and compliance reminders.

        The presentation is now available here: FY 20-21 Spring Provider Presentation

        As you listen to the presentation, you can click on the Table of Contents and References page, to guide you through the slides and references which are applicable to Mental Health and/or Substance Use Disorder Services contracts.

        Questions may be submitted to the Contracts@acgov.org mailbox between now and June 26, 2020. Please include “Spring Provider Questions” in the subject line. We will post answers to all of the questions received no later than Monday, July 6, 2020. In addition, you may contact your Contract Managers for any questions.

        ACBH Responses To FY 20-21 Spring Provider Online Presentation Questions

        The Contracts Unit is sharing responses to questions from the FY 20-21 Spring Provider Online Presentation. The questions and responses are available here.

        ACBH Responses to FY 20-21 Spring Provider Presentation

    FY 18/19

    FY 17/18
    Network Office Changes to BHCS Contracting for FY 2017-18 Meetings
    Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Changes to BHCS Contracting for FY 2017-18 meetings on Wednesday, February 1st, Friday, February 3rd and Monday, February 6th. For those of you who were not able to attend, the agenda and presentation are provided in the links below. These meetings were developed to discuss the provider contract payment redesign for providers that bill to Medi-Cal. We are taking this step to prepare for the future with a focus on access and quality.
    CBO Signature Authorization Contact Information Memo
  • Forms & Documents

  • FY 16/17 SAVE THE DATE
    Network Office Provider Meeting
    Changes to BHCS Contracting for FY 2017/2018
    (Open link to each topic for more details)
    Medi-Cal & Other Funding Streams in your Contracts: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 10AM – 12PM or Monday February 6, 2017 2PM – 4PM
    Medi-Cal/EPSDT Only Funding Streams in your Contracts: Friday, February 3, 2017 2PM – 4PM or Monday February 6, 2017 2PM – 4PM
    No Medi-Cal Funding in your Contracts: Friday, February 3, 2017 10AM – 12PM or Monday February 6, 2017 2PM – 4PM
    Mental Health Services – Monday, March 20, 2017 2:00pm to 4:00pm or Friday, April 21, 2017 2:00pm to 4:00pm
    Substance Use Disorder Services - Monday, April 17, 2017 1:00pm to 3:00pm

    Cost Report
    Below are electronic copies of the notices and FY 15/16 Cost Report forms from the State; a link to OMB 122 Principles for Non Profits, and a link to the DHCS Website. Executive Directors and Fiscal Staff should review these documents carefully, as policies and procedures currently in effect may need to be revised or strengthened in relation to direct and indirect costs.

    The State may start to give more guidance and or information on this and Behavioral Health Care Services’ Network Office will pass the information along as we get it. However, it’s your agency’s responsibility to properly allocate and assign costs. We hope this helps you get started becoming more informed about the upcoming changes. If you have questions or input please contact your assigned Fiscal Contract Manager (FCM). The FCM will answer your questions to the extent possible, and/or pass them along to management for future/further consideration or action.

    CA 15-013 Approved Package
    FY 2015-16 Cost Report Instructions
    Cost Report Form and Worksheets


    FY 15/16
    Unaccompanied Youth – Alameda County: Letter to Providers

    The BHCS Annual Assessment: Housing/Living Situation and Co-Occurring Informed Practice is due no later than July 10th of each fiscal year. Below you will find the documents that explain which housing and co-occurring practices meet this contract requirement. Please contact your assigned Program Contract Manager for more information.

    The FY 2015-16 Exhibit A Attachments are now available. Please see Contract Renewal Documents on the Forms & Documents page.

    FY 14/15

    Notices and Letters  

    AOD & MH Provider Deadline August 1, 2014 Out-of-County Provider Deadline July 11, 2014 (Providers who do not enter their own InSyst Data)
    The BHCS Annual Assessment: Housing/Living Situation and Co-Occurring Informed Practice is due no later than July 10th of each fiscal year. Below you will find the documents that explain which housing and co-occurring practices meet this contract requirement.
    Network Office Spring Provider Meetings FY14/15
    FY14/15 Contract Renewal Season! These informational meetings will address the FY14/15 contracting process as well as upcoming changes to contracts. We strongly recommend that a program and fiscal representative from your organization attend. A flyer for each contracting unit (AOD & MH) is below.


    FY 13/14

    Updating Contractor Contact Information
    The Network Office is pleased to announce that for FY 13-14, provider contact information will be collected electronically. We have established a secure online form that takes only a few minutes to complete. The content of this form is almost identical to the Contact Update Sheet previously used for FY 12-13; the additional item we are requesting is the required information about your organization’s Board of Directors. We ask that one person from each organization complete this form by visiting https://networkoffice.wufoo.com/forms/alameda-county-bhcs-annual-contact-update. A confirmation and a copy of the completed information will be sent your organization’s Executive Director’s email. If your organization’s Executive Director does not receive the confirmation email, please make sure to remove no-reply@wufoo.com from your junk/spam inbox. Moving forward, we hope to use more tools like this to improve the way we do business.