What is the MHP FFP Provider Network?
The MHP FFS Provider Network is a pool of mental health providers/practitioners such as Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors, Licensed Clinical Psychologists, and Physicians who contract with Alameda County Behavioral Health Services (ACBH) to provide outpatient mental health services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries and other safety net populations in Alameda County.
MHP FFS Providers Needed
ACBH has an immediate need for qualified individual providers/practitioners to provide outpatient eating disorder treatment and individual providers/practitioners who have certain language capacity and/or have an outpatient office in South County or the Tri-Valley areas of Alameda County, to provide services to children, youth, and adults who are eligible for mental health benefits under Alameda County’s Mental Health Plan.
Provider Handbook

Utilization Tables



- Fee for Service providers will be required to conduct a Clinical Quality Review Team (CQRT) process
An online training for CQRT is available here
- Fee For Service Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Code Training
Description:The CalAIM Payment Reform initiative, rolling out on July 1, 2023, changes the way most providers claim for services, requiring the use of CPT codes in many instances. The training is a review of some of the changes related to this initiative, as well as basic concepts relevant to the use of CPT codes.
Offered: September 2023
Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides
- Network Adequacy Certification Tool (NACT) – Timely Access Client Service Information (CSI) Assessment Record Data Submission Training for Fee-for-Service Network Providers
Description:This training is an overview of the NACT Timely Access CSI Assessment Record Data Submission requirements.
Click here to register.
Click here to view a recording of this training.
Presentation Slides: CSI Assessment Record Data Documentation
Additional Resources: CSI Sharefile Request
- Fee for Service Mock CQRT Training
Description:This training is a review of the Clinical Quality Review Team (CQRT) process and requirements for Fee for Service providers.
Offered: April 2023
Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides
- Fee for Service CalAIM Documentation Training
Description:This training is a review of changes to Medi-Cal documentation requirements resulting from California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM).
Offered: April 2023
Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides
- Fee For Service Outpatient Therapy Provider Virtual Meeting
Description: During the meeting, staff from ACBH ACCESS, Contracts, Billing and Benefits, QA and UM answered questions.
Click here to view the recording.
- Upcoming Changes to the MHS Fee-for-Service Outpatient Therapy Level of Care.
Description: This training series consists of two recorded trainings focused on the upcoming changes to the ACBH FFS outpatient therapy level of care. Each video is approximately 30 minutes.
- The first video includes an overview of the changes along with information from Contracts, ACCESS and Insurance Verification information.
- The second video includes information from Quality Assurance, Utilization Management and the Claims Processing Center.
- How to Verify Medi-Cal Eligibility to Ensure Claims Processing
Description: Eligibility training packet that will explain how to log into the state system, how to look-up eligibility, and examples of responses and what they mean.
Click here to view the training presentation.
Clinical Templates



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