ACBH Mission, Vision & Values


Fall 2010

The Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) of 2004 spurred ACBH to work toward creating a more integrated, culturally competent, consumer and family-empowered system of care that emphasizes community-wide participation, prevention, wellness, recovery and resiliency. When we launched our planning process for MHSA, we reached out to stakeholders throughout the community to help shape the future of behavioral health services in Alameda County. This broad input was the first step in revising our mission and vision and establishing core values.

All of us at BHCS are proud of the system of care we have built together. We support more than 900 individual and organizational providers countywide. Over 85% of our services are delivered through contracted community based organizations and individuals.

The challenge now is for all of us to do more with fewer resources. We need and value the participation of our entire provider network in transforming the system – for the long-term, and for the better.

The following mission, vision and values are guiding BHCS in our program development and service delivery decision-making. Together, we will make the behavioral health care system of care stronger, more accessible, and more self-sustainable.

MISSION: Our mission is to maximize the recovery, resilience and wellness of all eligible Alameda County residents who are developing or experiencing serious mental health, alcohol or drug concerns.

VISION: We envision communities where all individuals and their families can successfully realize their potential and pursue their dreams, and where stigma and discrimination against those with mental health and/or alcohol and drug issues are remnants of the past.



We value collaborative partnerships with consumers, families, service providers, agencies and communities, where every door is the right door for welcoming people with complex needs and assisting them toward wellness, recovery and resiliency.
Consumer & Family Empowerment
We value, support and encourage consumers and their families to exercise their authority to make decisions, choose from a range of available options, and to develop their full capacity to think speak and act effectively in their own interest and on behalf of the others that the represent.
Best Practices
We value clinical excellence through the use of best practices, evidence-based practices, and effective outcomes, include prevention and early intervention strategies top promote well being and optimal quality of life. We value business excellence and responsible stewardship through revenue maximization and the wise and cost-effective use of public resources.
Health & Wellness
We value the integration of emotional, spiritual and physical health care to promote the wellness and resilience of individuals recovering from the biological, social and psychological effects of mental illness and substance use disorders.
Culturally Responsive
We honor the voices, strengths, leadership, languages and life experiences of ethnically and culturally diverse consumers and their families across the lifespan. We value operationalizing these experiences in our service setting, treatment options, and in the processes we sue to engage our communities.
Socially Inclusive
We value advocacy and education to eliminate stigma, discrimination, isolation and misunderstanding of person experiencing mental illness and substance use disorders. We support social inclusion and the full participation of consumers and family members to achieve full lives in communities of their choices, where they can live, learn, love, work, play and pray in safety and acceptance.

BHCS Mission, Vision and Values
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BHCS Mission, Vision & Values Slide Presentation
In the Fall of 2010, Dr. Marye L. Thomas, Director of BHCS, used a short power point slide show to unveil the new Mission, Vision and Values at five presentations throughout the County. The slides, with “Talking Points” are available on a CD by contacting Tracy Henretty at (510) 567-8104. Please note, to view the slides on the CD, speakers and a version of Power Point 2003 or later is required.