Quality Assurance Training


Welcome to Quality Assurance’s Training Page! Here you will find the most up to date information on trainings provided by QA including handouts and registration. Please check back regularly for additional training opportunities from QA.

Table of Contents


Registration is required for all trainings except where noted

Transition of Care Tool
Who should attend: Specialty Mental Health Service providers

Description: This training describes the purpose of the Transition of Care Tool and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requirements related to the tool.

Offered: April 2024
NOABD Determination for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries

Description: The training decks are an overview of what constitutes a Notice of Adverse Benefit Determination (NOABD) and the process for issuing them across the Children, Adult and Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery systems.

Offered: June, 2019

Brown Bag Series for Mental Health Providers
Who should attend: Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) providers, Quality Assurance Lead Staff, Directors, Managers and Supervisors.

Description: This is an open forum. The meeting allows ACBH Quality Assurance staff to share information about technical assistance for mental health providers. Open lunch forum to discuss billing and clinical documentation technical questions related to Medi Cal.

Dates and Times: 2nd Fridays, Monthly, from 12-1 p.m., except where noted.

Disclaimer: Due to privacy concerns, use of AI technology is not allowed in these meetings.

  • January: January 12th, 2024
  • February: February 9th, 2024
  • March: March 8th, 2024
  • April: April 12th, 2024
  • May: May 10th, 2024
  • June: June 14th, 2024
  • July: July 12th, 2024
  • August: August 9th, 2024
  • September: September 13th, 2024
  • October: October 11th, 2024
  • November: November 8th, 2024
  • December: December 13th, 2024
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Meeting ID: 222 371 192 466
Passcode: LFxFR9
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+1 415-915-3950,,992754652# United States, San Francisco
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Phone Conference ID: 992 754 652#
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Submit Your Questions in Advance: You may use this form to submit questions in advance of Brown Bag sessions. It is appreciated if questions are received 2 days prior to session dates.

MH Brown Bag Meeting Notes: This document is a running list of topics discussed during the MH Brown Bag sessions. The document can be sorted by date or topic for easy reference. View/Download Notes - 7/12/24
Brown Bag Series for Substance Use Disorder Providers
Who should attend: Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) providers, Quality Assurance Lead Staff, Directors, Managers and Supervisors.

Description: This is an open forum. The meeting allows ACBH Quality Assurance staff to share information about new or upcoming changes to processes and policies that impact the providers. It is also an opportunity for providers to get clarification about existing processes related to Medi-Cal and ACBH requirements.

Dates and Times: 3rd Thursday of each month from 12-1 p.m.

Disclaimer: Due to privacy concerns, use of AI technology is not allowed in these meetings.

  • January: January 18th, 2024
  • February: February 15th, 2024
  • March: March 21st, 2024
  • April: April 18th, 2024
  • May: May 16th, 2024
  • June: June 20th, 2024
  • July: July 18th, 2024
  • August: August 15th, 2024
  • September: September 19th, 2024
  • October: October 17th, 2024
  • November: November 21st, 2024
  • December: December 19th, 2024
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 222 128 436 015
Passcode: RCa5EG
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Or call in (audio only)
+1 415-915-3950,,266439585# United States, San Francisco
(888) 715-8170,,266439585# United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 266 439 585#
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SUD Brown Bag Meeting Notes: This document is a running list of topics discussed during the SUD Brown Bag sessions. The document can be sorted by date or topic for easy reference. View/Download Notes - 6/20/24
No Wrong Door CalAIM Training
Adult & Older Adult Provider Training

Who should attend: Community-Based Organizations, ACBH Contracted Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Provider Staff and Community Members.

Description: In this training you will have an opportunity to learn how beneficiaries have increased access to SMHS under California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM).

Offered: September, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

Child & Young Adult Provider Training

Who should attend: Community-Based Organizations, ACBH Contracted Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Provider Staff and Community Members.

Description: In this training you will have an opportunity to learn how beneficiaries have increased access to SMHS under California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM).

Offered: October, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

Clinician’s Gateway Substance Use Disorder (SUD) SmartCare Transition
Who should attend: Clinicians Gateway SUD Users

Description: The intended audience is any SUD user from managers to clinical staff. Hour one will repeat the overview of CG-SmartCare Updates presented in June 2023. Hour two will cover next steps for your organizations, helpful hints for users, and FAQs.

Offered: October, 2023

Recorded Presentation

Application Programming Interface (API) and CG Potential Harm Field
Description: Review of 1) The new requirement by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), established in BHIN 22-068, for Behavioral Health Plans to implement and maintain secure, standards-based Patient Access and Provider Directory APIs. 2) Review of the new Potential Harm Field in Clinician's Gateway .

Offered: October, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

Documentation Best Practices
Description: Review of basic documentation best practices and the concept of collaborative documentation.

Offered: November, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

Fee For Service Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Code Training
Who should attend: All ACBH Fee for Service (FFS) providers

Description: The CalAIM Payment Reform initiative, rolling out on July 1, 2023, changes the way most providers claim for services, requiring the use of CPT codes in many instances. The training is a review of some of the changes related to this initiative, as well as basic concepts relevant to the use of CPT codes.

Offered: September, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

Clinician's Gateway-SmartCare Updates
Who should attend: All ACBH Specialty Mental Health Service (SMHS), Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) that use Clinician's Gateway.

Description: Some fields in CG were updated to align with SmartCare effective July 1, 2023. Information Systems Support will demo the changes during the following training sessions. All sessions are the same. One will be recorded and posted for future reference.

Offered: October, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides - Updated 10/29/23

SmartCare End User Training (EUT) & Office Hours for All Providers Behavioral Health Services
Who should attend: ACBH Staff, County Clinics, and Provider Organizations

Description: Post-go-live, SmartCare will be offering one training session per week for Mental Health Services (MHS) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD). This training will focus on registration and enrollment, with service entry training for billing planned in late August and September.

Additional details on the dates and time will be forthcoming. If you have any questions on training or need additional information on any aspect of the implementation process, please feel free to reach out to the SmartCare implementation team at ACBHSmartCare@acgov.org.

Dates: To Be Determined
When: Various dates and times being offered

SmartCare Basic Overview Training:
SmartCare Office Hours:
Note: We will continue to have SmartCare (SC) daily Office Hours after the system is live, where users can bring their questions and issues, and receive immediate support and guidance.

For more SmartCare resources visit the new SmartCare page

Current Procedural Terminology
Who should attend: All ACBH Specialty Mental Health Service (SMHS), Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS) and Fee for Service (FFS) providers

Description: The CalAIM Payment Reform initiative, rolling out in July 1, 2023, changes the way most providers claim for services, requiring the use of CPT codes in many instances. The training is a review of some of the changes related to this initiative, as well as basic concepts relevant to the use of CPT codes.

Offered: May, 2023

On Demand Video
Progress Note Template Demo for Mental Health Providers
Who should attend: ACBH Specialty Mental Health Service (SMHS) providers who utilize Clinician’s Gateway (CG)

Description: To align with new CalAIM documentation requirements, two new Progress Note templates (standard template and TCM Care Plan template) were created for SMHS providers. The training is a demo of these two CG templates. The presentation will be recorded.

Offered: May, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Treatment Plan Note Training/Demo for Substance Use Disorder Providers
Who should attend: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) providers that receive SAMHSA Substance Abuse Block Grants (SABG).

Description: SUD providers that receive SABG are required to create treatment plans for beneficiaries. As SABG Treatment Plan requirements are simpler than those previously established by DHCS, the SUD Treatment Plan template in CG was revised, removing the DHCS required elements and aligning the fields with the SABG requirements. The training is a demo of the new template.

Offered: May, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Day Rehabilitation & Day Treatment Intensive Program Standards & Documentation for Specialty Mental Health Providers
Who should attend: Specialty Mental Health Day Rehabilitation and Day Treatment Intensive providers

Description: The training is an overview of the program components that have been established by Department of Health Care Services for Day Rehabilitation and Day Treatment Intensive programs, authorization requirements and process, documentations standards and claiming exceptions relevant to these programs.

Offered: April, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides
SmartCare Implementation for All Providers of Behavioral Health Services
Who should attend: All ACBH providers utilizing InSYST or eCura

Description: The SmartCare Implementation Town Halls will provide an overview of the billing system replacement to support CalAIM and to transition from the county’s legacy systems, InSyst and eCura. The initial phase will go-live in July 2023, with a focus on CalAIM payment reform, critical operations, and federal and state requirements.

SmartCare Implementation Update March, 2023
Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

SmartCare Implementation Q&A Session April, 2023
Recorded Presentation

Clinical Quality Review Team (CQRT) for Outpatient Mental Health Providers
Who should attend: ACBH contracted providers rendering outpatient Specialty Mental Health Services, including contracted agencies, Fee for Service providers, County clinics and programs. This training is not for Fee for Service Providers; please see this page for more information.

Description: All ACBH providers and agencies are required to comply with the ACBH CQRT process. This training will provide an overview of the CQRT process and required forms. Th forms and process were recently revised to comply with the new CalAIM requirements related to Criteria for Access and Documentation Reform.

Offered: January, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

CQRT Questions/Answers from Training
CQRT Process and Forms- Outpatient Specialty Mental Health Services

For additional CQRT resources, see Section 8 of the QA Manual

Clinician’s Gateway Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Template Updates
Who should attend: ACBH Substance Use Disorder service providers, including Quality Assurance (QA) Leads, Clinical Supervisors and clinical staff.

Description: To minimize documentation redundancy and comply with CalAIM documentation requirements, a number of templates were updated or new templates were created in Clinician’s Gateway. The training is a review of the following new or updated CG templates: Diagnosis Form, Assessment Full ASAM, Assessment Full ASAM Update, Assessment Full ASAM Adolescent, Assessment Full ASAM Adolescent Update. The training will be recorded. Registration is not required for this training.

Offered: January, 2023

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides
Care Coordination in Residential Programs for Substance Use Disorder Providers
Who should attend: ACBH Substance Use Disorder service providers, including Quality Assurance (QA) Leads

Description:: This training highlights what constitutes case management services (now referred to as care coordination) in SUD residential programs and describes details related to billing for these services. The training is provided by the ACBH Quality Improvement team as part of a Performance Improvement Project.

Offered: December, 2022

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

Timely Access Data Collection for Substance Use Disorder Providers

Description: To ensure that the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery Systems (DMC-ODS) provide timely access to care and services, Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requires each DMC-ODS Plan to have a system in place for tracking and measuring timeliness of care. This requirement applies to all requests for substance use disorder (SUD) services across the continuum of care. This training is an overview of the requirements and the new and revised templates that should be completed in Clinician’s Gateway to capture timely access data collection. Both training sessions cover the same content. Please note that Registration was NOT required for these training sessions.

Offered: November & December, 2022

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides
CalAIM Town Hall Meetings for All Providers of Behavioral Health Services
Description: CalAIM Town Halls will provide an overview of CalAIM changes for the Specialty Mental Health (SMHS) and DMC-ODS systems.

Offered: June, 2022

CalAIM Town Hall for SMHS: Recorded Presentation/Presentation Slides
CalAIM Town Hall for DMC-ODS: Recorded Presentation/Presentation Slides
Unusual Occurrence Policy Training for All Providers of Behavioral Health Services
Who should attend: ACBH Specialty Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder service providers, including Quality Assurance (QA) Leads, Clinical Supervisors and clinical staff.

Description: This training will provide information related to what constitutes an Unusual Occurrence, recent updates to the UO policy involving changes to the internal QA process for investigating UO reports, and the revised UO Notification form.

Offered: May, 2022

Presentation Slides
Clinical Documentation for Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) Contracted Service Providers
Who should attend: Providers contracted to provide Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) at Short-term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs). Provider QA leads, clinical supervisors, and clinical staff are all strongly recommended to attend.

Description: In accordance with the Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) Interim STRTP Regulations (Version 2), this training will address ACBH & Medi-Cal documentation standards for STRTPs, including mental health assessment, admission statement, treatment plan, progress note, as well as transitioning determination plan requirements. The training will also address recent changes under the Family First Prevention Services ACT (FFSPA) as they pertain to STRTPs.

Offered: April, 2022

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) Medication Review
Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) Non Prescribed Medication Review
Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) Transition Determination Plan
Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Program (STRTP) Admission Statement
Understanding Your Audit Results and Next Steps for All Providers of Behavioral Health Services
Who should attend:ACBH Specialty Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder service providers, Quality Assurance (QA) Leads, Clinical Supervisors and clinical staff.

Description: The purpose of this training is to assist providers in better understanding their individual audit reports and exhibits. Additionally, it will describe how to create effective Corrective Action and Quality Improvement Plans.

Offered: March, 2022

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides
Individualized Determinations of Need for Intensive Care Coordination (ICC), Intensive Home-Based Services (IHBS), and Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) Specialty Mental Health Providers
Who should attend: This training is for clinical staff from Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) Contracted Agencies and County Clinics and Programs rendering Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) who serve children and transition age youth (0-21).

Description: The purpose of this training is to review the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) requirement for individualized determination of each child/youth’s need for Intensive Care Coordination (ICC), In Home Based Services (IHBS) and Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC), and the revisions made to the ACBH assessment template to support agencies with completing this requirement.

Offered: February, 2022

Presentation Slides
CalAIM Documentation Training for Outpatient Specialty Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Providers
Who should attend: This training is for clinical staff from Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) Specialty Mental Health Services and Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System contracted agencies and county clinics.

Description: This training program is provided by California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) and includes the documentation standards that were implemented with the CalAIM initiative in July 2022. The training consists of a series of self-paced modules.

Offered: July, 2022

Link to Recorded Modules:
To view the self-paced modules, users have to register into the CalMHSA Learning Portal. Instructions: CalMHSA-LMS-Instructions-5.24.22.pdf
Link to CalMHSA Learning Portal and Training Modules: California Mental Health Services Authority Learnings: Log in to the site (calmhsalearns.org)
Client Service Information (CSI) Data Documentation for Specialty Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Providers
Who should attend: This training is required of all Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) County Programs and Contracted Agencies. We recommended you have a least one QA Clinical staff member as well as one Administrative staff member attend.

Description: This training will cover information needed to collect CSI timeliness data in compliance with the Network Adequacy Standards for timely access of outpatient mental health services. The training will clarify the definitions of data fields needed to collect and report timely access to mental health services, including tracking requirements for all new clients or returning beneficiaries.

Data Submission- "How-To" Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

CSI Assessment Record Data FAQs
CSI Sharefile Request - Fillable
CSI Timeliness Training Manual
CSI Timeliness Data Collection Form with instructions
CSI Assessment Record Data Screens Onboarding Instructions
Clinical Documentation Standards for Adult & Crisis Residential Specialty Mental Health Services
Who should attend: ACBH Adult and Crisis Residential Program Clinical Staff.

Description: This training covers the regulations for Adult and Crisis Residential Specialty Mental Health Services programs governing the authorization process with Utilization Management and clinical documentation standards.

Offered: July, 2023

Adult Residential

Crisis Residential

Recorded Presentation

Recorded Presentation

Presentation Slides

Presentation Slides

Evaluation and Management Training for Qualified Health Professionals, Quality Assurance Coordinators, and Billers
Who should attend: ACBH Medical Providers: Psychiatrists (MD, DO), Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS), Nurse Practitioners (NP), Physician Assistants (PA) and Clinical Pharmacists (CP); QA Coordinators; and Billers

Description: Effective January 1, 2021, the American Medical Association’s (AMA) CPT® Professional Manual is changing the requirements for selecting the “E/M Office, or Other Outpatient, Services” (CPT® Codes 99201 – 99205, and 99211 – 99215) and other related topics.

Offered: January, 2021

Recorded Presentation
Presentation Slides

E/M Documentation & Auditing Training Resources
E/M Services Guide: Coding by Key Components: AACAP
E/M Progress Note Examples: Office, Established Client: AACAP

E/M Progress Note Template: Based on the Elements
E/M Documentation Based on the Elements: Auditing Tool
Instructions for E/M Progress Note Template: Counseling & Coordination of Care
E/M Progress Note Template: Counseling & Coordination of Care
Clinical Documentation Training for Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Who should attend: Organizations that have a contract to provide Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services.

Description: Addresses ACBHCS & Medi-Cal documentation requirements for SUD treatment providers.

Training Offerings Forthcoming