ACBH Grievance and Appeals System
Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH) is committed to providing high quality Specialty Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Services and have designed a Grievance System that enables beneficiaries to seek resolution to a problem or concern related to the Behavioral Health Care Plan. We strive to offer a Grievance and Appeal Process that is easy to access, timely, and responsive to the concerns and experiences of beneficiaries. DHCS Notice: Federal Grievance and Appeal System Requirements with Revised Beneficiary Notice Templates Grievance and Appeal Policy: Consumer Grievance and Appeal Processes for Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services and Mental Health Services Act Program Policy Grievance Manual: ACBH Grievance and Appeal Manual ALAMEDA COUNTY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH GRIEVANCE SYSTEM RESOURCESGrievance Templates for Providers:
Grievance Forms for Providers: Please obtain Consumer Grievance and Appeal forms and information from the Informing Materials Page. NOTICE OF ADVERSE BENEFICIARY DECISIONDescription:
Policy: Notices of Adverse Benefit Determination for Medi-Cal Beneficiaries | NOABD Table: A quick reference guide NOABD Templates in: English | Chinese (Traditional) | Chinese Simplified | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese | Korean | Farsi | Arabic NOABD Beneficiary Enclosures: English | Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional) | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese | Korean | Farsi | Arabic TRAINING POWER POINTS FOR NOABD DETERMINATION FOR MEDI-CAL BENEFICIARIES
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