Alameda County Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) and Adult Needs and Strengths (ANSA) Initiative


The ACBC CANS/ANSA Provider Collaborative consists of a group of Alameda County providers with direct knowledge and experience with implementation of the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) tool. The group’s collective experience, lessons learned and expertise to serves as part of the ACBH CANS/ANSA implementation team. The Collaborative will help:

  • Build county wide competency and confidence in the use of and management of the CANS/ANSA
  • Create trainer tools and materials tailored to the unique needs of Alameda County providers
  • Provide structures and supports at all stages of the process (including preparation and planning, coaching and training, and initial and ongoing technical assistance)
  • Develop and maintain county-wide expertise to support sustainability of the Alameda County CANS/ANSA and ultimately improve client engagement and outcomes.
CANS/ANSA Provider Collaborative Members:

Erin Rosenblatt, PsyD & Cinthyia Chin Herrera, PsyD
West Coast Children's Clinic (lead agency)

Jennifer Cardenas, LCSW
Seneca Family of Agencies

Jen Leland, MFT
East Bay Agency for Children

TCOM Training Calendar Dec 2016 – June 2017

Helpful Links This site provides information about tools supported by the Foundation. On this site, you will find copies of manuals and answers to frequently asked questions. A video clip from a training website is also provided as an overview. In addition, a PowerPoint presentation of the TCOM approach is provided. TCOM Conversations is jointly hosted by Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago and The Praed Foundation. We are committed to improving the well-being of all through the use of personalized, timely and effective interventions, as a forum to provide resources, answer your questions, and spark meaningful discussion. This site provides you all with tools that can help you make the most of the CANS, including tools and resources that will help us provide collaborative and transparent services to clients. We invite you to click around the site and explore the resources for clinicians and supervisors to guide the assessment process and enrich partnerships with families.

Please visit the following hyperlinks for resources regarding:
Certification/Trainer Tools       Engagement      Reports/Outcome Data      Supervision      Treatment Planning