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Welcome to the Quality Improvement and Data Analytics Division Webpage

The Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services (ACBH) Quality Improvement and Data Analytics Division (QIDAD) consists of staff with broad knowledge and expertise to support the needs of the department. ACBH is contracted with the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to render managed care Specialty Mental Health Services (SMHS) as a Mental Health Plan (MHP) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services as a Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS). ACBH QIDAD supports system decision-making to effectively address the diverse behavioral health needs of our community and beneficiaries, while simultaneously ensuring compliance with federal and state performance measurement, management, and reporting requirements.

In accordance with the ACBH Quality Management (QM) mission, we work to ensure Alameda County Medi-Cal beneficiaries and Medi-Cal eligible residents receive timely access to appropriate, cost effective, and quality behavioral health care services. We collaborate with key stakeholders, including ACBH leadership, contract providers, consumers, and family members, to foster a data-informed culture and continuously improve ACBH services and accountability, ultimately contributing to the overall vision of health equity and health, well-being and resiliency for all Alameda County residents.

Key Responsibilities and Functions of the Quality Improvement and Data Analytics Division

  • Provides data-informed recommendations for improved performance and outcomes
  • Generates actionable insights using advanced statistical techniques, data analytics, and business intelligence visualizations
  • In partnership, coordinates regulatory and contractual quality management State reporting requirements
  • Develops, implements, and oversees the department's federally mandated Quality Assessment & Performance Improvement (QAPI) Program
  • In partnership, identifies system quality concerns and develops solution strategies
  • Develops and implements performance assessment and monitoring strategies
  • Collaborates with clients, families, providers and other stakeholders to develop and implement Continuous Quality Improvement activities
  • Maintains a secure ACBH reporting data warehouse and implements data governance policies for timely and appropriate data sharing
  • Creates and maintains systems for efficient data collection, storage, normalization and processing
  • In partnership, continuously evaluates and improves the effectiveness and efficiency of data tools and technologies
  • Increase data fluency through training and promotes a data-informed culture
  • Coordinates ACBH Policies & Procedures

For information on how to make a data request, review our Data Request Resource Guide.

The QAPI Program Consists of the Following Areas



Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) & Workgroups 

Coordinate QIC & system-wide QI efforts, including Workgroups

External Quality Review (EQRO) 

Coordinate annual external quality review

Quality Improvement (QI) Work Plan

Draft QI Work Plan with input from stakeholders; Provide mid-year update/evaluation to State; Draft Final Evaluation 

Performance Improvement Projects (PIPs) 

Coordinate 2 PIPs each for MH & SUD; Behavioral Health Quality Improvement Program (BHQIP) PIPs 

Performance Measurement & Monitoring 

Collect and submit performance measurement data; Support Utilization data reporting; Assess the quality of care

Final Rule Implementation

Support ACBH efforts to meet Final Rule (i.e. Federal Managed Care) requirements 

Network Adequacy & Timely Access 

Convene workgroup to assess and monitor system ability to meet standards and requirements; Support ACBH to complete Network Adequacy Certification 

ACBH Quality Improvement and Data Analytics Division Team Members

  • Emily Galimba, QI and Data Analytics Director
  • Adm Golub, Process Improvement Analyst
  • Doris Sunga, Data Infrastructure Analyst
  • Gabriel Orozco, Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Greg Arenius, Data Infrastructure Engineer
  • Janet Biblin, Program, Analytics & Policy Manager
  • Jenny Wong, Performance Improvement Analyst
  • Jose Cabrera, Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Kathryn Rowe, Data Systems Coordinator
  • Kim Rassette, Project & Planning Specialist
  • Lorenza Hall, Senior Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Marnie Purciel-Hill, Performance Improvement Manager
  • Michelle Manor, Supervising Program Specialist
  • Necole Goodman, Associate Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Rashad Eady, Project & Planning Program Specialist

Quality Improvement Committee

External Quality Review Organization Reports

ACBH is required undergo an annual, independent external evaluation by an External Quality Review Organization (EQRO) for its Mental Health Plan (MHP) and Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS).

Mental Health Plan Reports

Drug Medi-Cal – Organized Delivery System Reports

Quality Improvement Work Plans & Evaluations

Consumer Perception Surveys

Data Request Resource Guide

For more information, please contact:

Emily Galimba
Quality Improvement and Data Analytics Division Director