1. All Providers
- Revised Substance use Services Definitions
- InSyst Procedure Codes
- All Procedure Code List 070518
- Location Code List 070518
- ALOC Initial Assessment Form
- ALOC Re-Assessment Form
- Updated Forms including Clinician’s Gateway Templates 080318 (Paper Forms)
- Case Management and Recovery Support Services
- Client Materials and Brochures
- Continuity of Care and Care Coordination
Authorization of SUD Services and CQRT Training Information and Handouts
- Updated CQRT Forms 080318
- Final of OS IOS Brief MN and CQRT Template
- Authorization Request Form SUD OS IOS
- Training Schedules for Monthly CQRT:
- 2019 CQRT Schedule for OS/IOS Providers
- 2019 CQRT Schedule for Residential Providers
- 2019 QA Trainings for Authorization and Clnicial Documentation Standards
Clinical Documentation Standards for SUD Providers Training Information and Handouts
- Revised - Document Training Powerpoint
- Revised - Client Acknowledgement of Incidental Disclosure Form 080218
- QA Updates
- Reporting Units
- Reporting Unit Number Scheme
- Release of Information Forms:
- SUD Consent Form 3 - Miscellaneous Purposes
- Release of Information Instructions - New! 08/21
- Release of Information FAQs - 11/19
- Medi-Cal Intercounty Transfer (ICT) Process:
The ACBH Provider Relations unit can initiate and facilitate transfer of Medi-Cal enrollment from another county to Alameda County if the client indicates that they are a current resident of Alameda County. If your client needs to have their Medi-Cal enrollment transferred to Alameda County, please follow the instructions below with the corresponding forms:
- Request for Inter-County Transfer Assistance
- Provider Relations ICT Directions
- Provider Relations ICT Request Form
- DHCS MC382 Form
- Frequently Asked Questions:
- FAQ #1 – How do SUD providers transition to the DMC-ODS Waiver for Residential, OS, IOS and OTP/NTP?
- FAQ #2 - What are the transition steps for Providers that will not have DMC-ODS contract?
- FAQ #3 – When should I begin using Procedure code 197 (SUD CG Informational Note) and the 800 series Tracking procedure codes listed on the Procedure Code document?
- FAQ #4 – What happens if I get an “Invalid Treatment Location” message when I am attempting to enter service data in InSyst?
- FAQ #5 – For providers that are operating under both interim/extension and new DMC-ODS contracts, how do we enter and bill for group counseling services?
- FAQ #6 – How does the new PSP 131 report work for billing in the new DMC-ODS RUs? How is documentation time accounted for?
- FAQ #7 – I received a new DMC Waiver Reporting Unit (RU) for my program with the last digit ending in (5) and in the RU name it states “Private”, “PRIVT” or “PRIV”. What is the purpose of this RU?
- FAQ #8 – How do I invoice under my new RU prior to the release of the new PSP 131 report?
- FAQ #9 – When to Use Perinatal, Parenting and Parenting Non-DMC RUs
- FAQ #10 – What is the start date of Medi-Cal eligibility in the residing county for an intercounty transfer request?
- FAQ #11 – Does Medicare cover Substance Use Disorder (SUD) services and when do providers need to bill Medicare for SUD services?
2. Residential Services
- Episode Closing and CalOMS Reporting Instructions Residential – instructions on how to close out clients and transfer to new RUs after July 1st
- UM Residential Prior Authorization
- Residential Procedure Code List 070518
- Clinically Managed Residential Withdrawal Management Code List 070518
3. Outpatient Services (IOS/OS/RSS)
- Episode Closing & CalOMS Reporting Instructions Outpatient
- Claiming Documentation Time Outpatient Group Service
- OS Procedure Code List 070518
- IOS Procedure Code List 070518
4. Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP)
- Revised OTP Claiming Instruction 062918
- NTP/OTP Claiming Instruction 062818
- Provider Log of MAT Services
- OTP Procedure Codes List 070518
5. SUD Webinar Training Archive
- Medical Necessity & Documentation for ASAM Residential Level of Care (original training date: November 14th, 2019)
- Webinar recording: https://vimeo.com/377130374
- Supporting documents:
- Powerpoint slides – documenting medical necessity for asam residential level of care
- ASAM Criteria - Determining Severity Ratings
- ASAM Severity Ratings Guide - Severity Ratings Guide for ASAM Dimensions
- ALOC Consultation Webinars with Dr. David Mee-Lee
- Dec 19, 2019
- Jan 15, 2020
- May 21, 2020