Alameda County Behavioral Health Quality Improvement Committee Workgroups

Quality Improvement Committee Workgroups

The Alameda County Behavioral Health (ACBH)’s Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) Workgroups are responsible for the following:

  1. Engage in implementation support and oversight for key quality improvement (QI) initiatives;
  2. Report updates on workgroup efforts to the QIC on a regular basis; and,
  3. Provide recommendations to the QIC on relevant topics.

QIC Workgroup Chair(s) Description Frequency
Performance Measurement & Management Janet Biblin, John Engstrom Oversees performance measurement and management, including collecting/ submitting performance measurement data, supporting utilization data reporting, and assessing the quality of care; developing Quality Improvement and Performance Improvement Projects Monthly – 4th Thursdays, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Network Adequacy & Timely Access John Engstrom Monitors and supports Network Adequacy and Timely Access requirements Monthly – 4th Tuesdays, 3-4 p.m.
Policies & Procedures Sophia Lai Drafts ACBH QI Policy & Procedures and ensures review by QIC Monthly – 1st Mondays, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
MH PIP – Asian & Pacific Islander (API) Utilization Sophia Lai John Engstrom Supports and oversees implementation of API Utilization Mental Health Performance Improvement Projects Monthly – 1st Fridays, 2-3 p.m.
SUD PIP – Clinical Sophia Lai, Theresa Ly Develops and oversees implementation of clinical SUD PIP re: post-discharge recovery coach As Needed
SUD PIP – Non-Clinical Sophia Lai, Theresa Ly Develops and oversees implementation of non-clinical SUD PIP re: improved processes for Residential Treatment As Needed
Consumer Representatives Rashad Eady Coordinate with Office of Consumer Empowerment to collect consumer input on QI efforts and requirements Monthly – 2nd Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m.
Family Representatives Rashad Eady Coordinate with Office of Family Empowerment to collect family member input on QI efforts and requirements Monthly – last Wednesdays, 3-4 p.m

QIC Members also coordinate with the following ACBH workgroups on related tasks:

Workgroup QIC Liaison Description Frequency
Cultural Responsiveness Committee (CRC) Sophia Lai Coordinate with Office of Ethnic Services and CRC to implement cultural competency requirements and related QI efforts Bimonthly

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