DATAR (The Drug and Alcohol Treatment Access Report) is the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) system to collect data on treatment capacity and waiting lists, and is considered to be a supplement to the California Alcohol and Drug Data System (CADDS) client reporting system. DATAR assists in identifying specific categories of individuals awaiting treatment and identifies available treatment facilities for these individuals. The DATARWeb is an application developed by ADP and can be used by California providers, counties and state staff.

Federal regulations require that each state develop a Capacity Management Program to report alcohol and other drug programs treatment capacity, to ensure the maintenance of the reporting, and to make that information available to the programs. In carrying out this requirement, ADP established a Waiting List Management Program that includes a unique client identifier to document applicants who are not immediately admitted to a program due to lack of capacity.

The Waiting List Management Program consists of two separate reports, the Waiting List Record (WLR) and DATAR.

Using DATARWeb, you will be able to enter DATAR data and submit it directly to ADP.

All AOD treatment providers that receive AOD treatment funding from ADP are required to submit the one-page DATAR form to ADP each month. In addition, Licensed Narcotic Treatment Programs and certified Drug Medi-Cal providers must report, whether or not they receive public funding.

In addition to those facilities listed above, all facilities that receive funding from the County for SACPA treatment services must also report their waiting list data.

ADP created a Waiting List Record (WLR) system available through the ADP website. This system is to be downloaded and maintained at the facility. See the Waiting List Record System User Guide for instructions on how to use the application to prepare your DATAR data.

Request a DATARWeb Account   

  DATARWeb User Request PDF

Quick Help/Resources  

  • DATAR Web Site
  • User Manual
  • Password and Permissions Reset - If you need help with resetting our password or with your account permissions, call the BHCS Help Desk at 510-567-8181.

If you need help with entering data on the DATAR web site, or have questions about the fields and reports, contact the ADP Automation Help Desk at 916-327-3010, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.