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Welcome to the Quality Improvement webpage

The Alameda County Behavioral (ACBH) Health Quality Improvement (QI) Team is responsible for developing, implementing, and overseeing the department’s federally mandated Quality Assessment & Performance Improvement (QAPI) Program. The QI Team will collaborate with key stakeholders including the Quality Improvement Committee (QIC), ACBH leadership, contract providers, consumers, and family members to build a culture of Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and to ensure compliance with regulatory and contractual requirements.

The QAPI Program consists of the following areas:

Role Description
Quality Improvement Committee (QIC) & Workgroups Coordinate QIC & system-wide QI efforts, including Workgroups
External Quality Review (EQRO) Coordinate annual external quality review
Quality Improvement (QI) Work Plan Draft QI Work Plan with input from stakeholders; Provide mid-year update/evaluation to State; Draft Final Evaluation
Performance Improvement Projects (PIPs) Coordinate 2 PIPs each for MH & SUD
Performance Measurement & Monitoring Collect and submit performance measurement data; Support Utilization data reporting; Assess the quality of care
Final Rule Implementation Support ACBH efforts to comply with Final Rule requirements
Network Adequacy & Timely Access Convene workgroup to monitor compliance with standards and requirements

ACBH Quality Improvement Team Members:

  • John Engstrom, Quality Improvement Senior Management Analyst
  • Janet Biblin, Performance Measurement Manager
  • Sophia Lai, Senior Program Specialist
  • Rashad Eady, Program Specialist
  • Sakara Sampson, Administrative Specialist II

Quality Improvement Committee

External Quality Review Organization Reports

ACBH is required undergo an annual, independent external evaluation by an External Quality Review Organization (EQRO) for its Mental Health Plan (MHP) and Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS).

Mental Health Plan Reports

Drug Medi-Cal – Organized Delivery System Reports

Quality Improvement Work Plans & Evaluations

Consumer Perception Surveys

For more information, please contact QITeam@acgov.org